This show is live on Twitch right here.
OK! It has begun! I'll be updating this thing all day so check back.
Talks about book and record of The Hobbit, which he says it was his introduction to fantasy.
He found out about the novels. He started reading The Hobbit novel, and a kid who couldn't read would call him every night and ask him what happened in it.
Joe got the red box but had nobody to play with, so he played the same solo game over and over and finally met a group that played Dragonlance. He stopped playing when he went to college.
25 years later, he ended up playing D&D with a studio exec and other actors. He says has 70 pounds of dwarven forge stuff at home waiting for him to unpack it.
He says all of the people in Hollywood honed their creativity through D&D and tabletop games.
Anna of Dice, Camera, Action is hosting and she is wearing her Evelyn gear.
The New Adventure
Tomb of Annihilation! It involves the jungle of Chult and builds on a few old adventures. The main villain is Acererak, from the tomb of horrors. The main story is about how raise dead spells are failing, and those who were raised are decaying.
You will need to hire the right guide or you may end up in a place that is too high level for you.
Pendleton Ward, creator of Adventure Time, is the guest story coordinator.
The feel of this adventure is "Indiana Jones vs. zombies."
Comes out on September 8th.
Meatgrinder Mode: You can run this on "hard mode." In this mode, you need to roll a 15 instead of a 10 for each death save.
This adventure describe what happens to your character's soul when you die
Monsters: Su-Monsters, Zorbors (psychic koalas), Froghemoths, and Zombie T. Rexes that vomit zombies!
Guides: Some might be shady, some might be better than others.
The land is incredibly deadly. The grung, frog creatures from Volo's, have a village. They're evil, but they're under siege by the undead. Do you team up with them and help them? You are strangers in a land that you know nothing about.
They tried to make Chult a location easy to drop into your campaign. You can run it as a sandbox or as a linear path.
Time for...
Dice, Camera, Action: Episode 51 - Storm King's Thunder
The group had just run into Van Richten, from Curse of Strahd here in the Forgotten Realms. He's with priests of the Morninglord.
Episode 51: Bite the Dust
- Buy Storm King’s Thunder here
- Season Two Dice, Camera, Action Episode Guide
- Dice, Camera, Action on Reddit
- The Reddit Dice, Camera, Action Index
- The Dice, Camera, Action Youtube Playlist
There is quiche at the table. They're playing in front of a crowd.
The Party
(Anna) Evelyn - Human Paladin of Lathander
(ProJared) Diath - Human Rogue
(Alli) Lilith - Demon-blooded Bard
(Holly) Strix - Tiefling Sorcerer
One of the priests, Sybil, thinks Strix is an abomination. Evelyn asks about Dee. No comment from Van Richten.
Sibyl says they are from Barovia. It has been released from Barovia. She says a demon has been released, and they are hunting it.
Evelyn takes a liking to Borkoth, a tall and strong priest. Van Richten pulls them aside and tells the heroes that the group will actually need to take down Sibyl and the other priest.
A powerful witch told Van Richten about this. There's a million cameras here, we get shots of each player, sort of like on the Acquisitions Inc taped shows.
Lilith got a sending from Gotsaga the witch: "They're coming for you. Wait for the sun-killer. He and his friends can help." Sounds like Van Richten.
Lilith is here in Citadel Adbar. Ahhh.. last week, Paultin was approaching an attractive bard. That bard is Lilith.